So you got your hair cut short and suddenly discover you're not creative enough to do anything interesting with it. What now? If you can't kidnap your hairstylist then perhaps finding inspiration from Barbara Wuillot who is sure to get you out of your rut is more up your alley. Sleek and sexy is never a bad thing and thanks to evolving times, women have more mental liberation and physical freedom to experiment with their hairstyles. I'll bet you have tons of hair accessories just sitting on a desk somewhere waiting to be picked up and explored...go on!! Explore! Short hair doesn't have to be simply let out frill free- make it exciting by using clips, bandeau's, scarfs and any other accessory you have lying around unused.
Spike it up! Do something fun with it; create a new character for a day. This bad girl look is sexy, bold and asking for attention.
Just get out of bed? It must be amazing to wake up, run your hands through your tresses and be out the door...oh yes, brush your teeth first of course!
Chic, classy and romantic, this look is perfect for softening your appearance.
If you want a real sleek look, opt for some hair gel or paste. This really gives a great retro S wave at the top of the head.
Via: What Can I do With My Short Hair Already