Whatever happened to the clean cut man whose hair was nicely trimmed by his ears; the man who always looked sharp for work, chic for dates and perfect for meeting your mother? He’s baa-aack! For awhile there, it seemed we lost him altogether – with the emergence of funky longer haired celebrity males, runway models and every day men feeling more comfortable with longer locks, the shorter haired variety was a bit forgotten. As long as Australia’s Hair Machine is around, they’re sure to remind us that a man's short hairstyle can still be super chic without being too prim or too proper.
I had to put my favorite hairstyle at the top of the page as I am absolutely crazy about this look. Short enough to be clean and long enough to be tousled with, this hairstyle length is perfect for being taken seriously at work and for letting loose after hours.
The messy look, if we can call it that, certainly does not look messy but it also is not too perfect with every hair falling into place. This comfortable laid back style is far more appealing than something too contrived.
Still clean and classy, this hairstyle would rock in a three piece suit or some baggies and a t-shirt. It is the right length to pull off many looks.