As we get older, we lose more hair and what we do have loses its lustre. In the couple of months I’ve discovered two products that bring back some rejuvenation to the hair and my skin. Starting with the hair, is a product I might have mentioned in the past called HERCUT sold at Sephora. I don’t try to use too much shampoo due to my dry curly hairstyle and was afraid that more shampoo meant more dehydration. When I tried Hercut for Curly Long Layers, it could not have been on a more humid day and I was sooooo surprised at the results, after shampooing, I left some of the conditioner in my hair and finger combed it out so my curly hairstyle could at least have half a chance at drying decent. Then I applied the Long Layers Catalyst which meshed so well with my already conditioned hair I swore I would buy these products again. Prices range from about $22 to $28. I can’t help getting older perhaps, but I can help how my hair looks in the process...the skin on the other hand is a different story.
Much more difficult to take care of because creams and covering foundations can only go so far but when I was sent the following product, I had to use myself as a guinea pig to find out if the hearsay was true. Too much sun, tanning beds and just simply age is the culprit of hyperpigmentation. PHYTOWHITE by G.M.Collins is a recent product on the market that is said to lighten hyperpigmented skin and using myself as a guinea pig, I put it to the test. Fortunately I did not have too many facial marks to begin with but my neck could sure use some spot removal; something I considered going to get lasered away at one point.
The PhytoWhite Brightening System comes with three products that are said to treat, brighten and prevent. PhytoWhite Dark Spot Serum & Cream and Mineral Sun Cream SPF 15. The results might not be as obvious to the naked eye, unless you are under the microscope of one of those lights that show you the details but it has been 3 weeks of continual application and I have to say I am quite impressed. The hard part is the summer sun which I love to sit under and with such beautiful days in my presence I have purposely worn the PhytoWhite sunscreen and even a hat most days to REALLY see the effects of this product. At more than 100 dollars for the entire system, you will still pay far less for this than laser treatments so it is worth a shot.
Via: 2 Must Mention Hair And Skin Products