If you are fed up of having flat hairstyles, welcome to the world of millions of women worldwide. Fortunately, there are ways one can achieve a full LOOKING head of hair; no hair transplant necessary...at least not yet. Let us start at the roots of giving your hair more volumnous with your cleansing routine, in turn, you will have your long or short hairstyles full of oomph. The first question is, what type of shampoo and conditioner do you use? If you say anything but VOILUMIZING, wrong answer!
CLEANSING CARE: volumizing conditioner and shampoo should be applied to the ends of your hair only, even if your hair is curly it will flatten out the top by putting it at the roots, and be sure not to scrape hair back in a pony tail or bun immediately after washing, especially if you have curly hair because it will dry straight, flat and your hair will have more width than height. Trust me, I know this first hand. Ugh.
BOOSTING YOUR ROOTS: root lifters can be great for creating volume or at least the illusion of it. Before you dry your hair, apply the product from root to mid shaft.
STOP DRYING YOUR HAIR DOWN: if you really want to create higher hair, dry hair Upwards instead by taking hair in your hands from the root and lifting sections to the sky putting the hot air on your scalp.
TEASING?: this is always the most obvious and sure way to get volume but you will also get damage to go with it. Take a strand or two from a chunk of hair and push the chunk UP the one or two strands with your fingers. It will simply heighten hair, and if you want volume on top of the head, push the hair at the top of the scalp down.
CURLS: if you have curls that start from the middle of your head, you might want to add more definition to the top by taking a curling iron and adding some curls near the bangs area and remember to use holding spray.
PILE HAIR ON TOP OF HEAD: when we speak about piling hair on the top of your head, this does not mean scraping hair slick back from the roots, but rather grab some tresses in chunks and bobby pin those suckers at the top leaving a few misplaced strategically of course. The desired look it a great hairstyle full of volume. This can be done with straight or curly hair!