If there were a gadget created that could determine the sheer pleasure someone feels in getting and trying new products, let’s call it the JOY-A-METER, mine would be off the scale with some of the latest products I had the chance to test. I have always known about Origins, I have always heard about Origins but I have never ever tried it...until now and boy am I glad I did.
The three products in particular are Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash, Modern Friction for the Body Nature’s gentle dermabrasion, and the GinZing Refreshing eye cream to brighten and depuff- with the three combined you have terrific face and body skin with well rested eyes. I never listen to ads anymore, I’ve since learned that when advertising money is involved, they’ll say anything and we’ll believe anything- I’ve moved on to believing only in my own experience and it has never let me down. When I tried the first product, CHECKS AND BALANCES FROTHY FACE WASH, I squeezed it out of the tube thinking I might need more but I was mistaken. The second time around I needed only a dab and it covered my whole face, removed my makeup and daily grime and didn’t feel as harsh as soap which I loved. My skin wasn’t left harshly dry; just clean! For $22.00 you can rid your facial skin of all the crap it collects throughout your day. Worth it!
Modern Friction for the body was AMAZING but what I have noticed from past buffering experiences is that I need to stop the shower water from touching my skin while I buff or it washes off immediately. DUH TINA! I rubbed and buffed legs, stomach, arms and other unmentionables for a good 2 minutes before I turned the water back on and beheld a beeeeautifully smooth body...well the skin anyway. I have tried many things, even sand from the tropics but in comparison, I realize how harsh that is for my body;this was just the right amount of grain. Want a perfectly smooth body for only $42.50? I sure do!
Finally when it comes to eyes, I am a bit doubtful anything can really help me in particular. My eye skin is very thin in comparison to my cheeks not to mention they are so easily irritated with creams and serums that I stopped using anything on them. When I read the claims of GinZing Refreshing eye cream, I was not fully convinced my eyes could be any brighter than they are but thought I would give it a try. I put it on the night before and woke up actually seeing a difference. My eyes were so well hydrated and they looked super smooth but best of all NO irritation and I have since switched to wearing it as a day eye cream. $37.00 for 15 ml goes a long way since you need so little.
All products can be bought at THE BAY locations throughout Canada or online via
Via: Great Products We Loved From ORIGINS