I always do my research on products before I actually become the guinea pig for them...call me chicken but after one too many rash break outs I decided to read some reviews first and test later. Upon my latest exploration of products however, I realized how people’s experiences will vary from person to person and sometimes the only way to see how a product fares is to try it for myself. In this case, ELIZABETH ARDEN’S PREVAGE was the product I’ve heard a mixture of opinions on but anything that boasts of wrinkle reducing properties has my attention right away. Some people have received this as a sample from my review reviews and they’re honestly not in a position to speak about long term benefits or lack thereof because this is the sort of product that takes weeks to see a difference-at least from my experience.
At 35, it’s not easy fighting these lines that pop up unannounced...yes they gave me warning as I sat baking in the sun...stopped wearing moisturizer in cold, dry climate and used harsh chemical treatments on my skin but darn it...I’m only 35!!! With all the claims of PREVAGE being one of the more potent wrinkle reducers and spot diminishers, short of going for micro-dermabrasion, I had to use it a full 2 months before I gave my honest assessment. So what did I honestly think of PREVAGE Face Advanced Anti-Aging Serum?
First let’s present the claims:
Major Reduction and removal of fine lines and lesser facial wrinkles
Smoothing over and filling of deeper, more prominent facial expression lines & wrinkles
General evening of the skin surface and complexion
Overall more radiant and symmetrical skin appearance
There were also some negative reactions based on people’s trials such as:
Slight Skin Irritation upon initial days of application
Slightly expensive (although outweighed by results seen in many PREVAGE testimonials)
Major irritation noted in people with truly delicate and sensitive skin types
2 months later and I have to admit that not only am I still here (thank God), I am absolutely loving my skin-the quality, the look, the feel. Now, admittedly I’ve also begun to take much better care of myself overall since the beginning of 2010. I drink plenty of water, exercise more and use an amazing facial wash; I’ve also become a bit obsessive about what foods I eat to help with my personal skin issues. Could those be contributing to my amazing skin experience? Probably...but honestly, if I hadn’t done those things in addition to the cream, I’m pretty sure my skin would look just as smooth. Since using this PREVAGE, my lines are significantly less noticeable...are they gone? I can’t say for certain but definitely much nicer to look at. I never had any rashes, no dry patches and the cream makes my face wonderfully soft.
I give PREVAGE an 8 on 10 with my experience. Although it seems to do what it promises, I wouldn’t be too hasty to throw away my new found beauty regimen; in fact I think the routine is working for me perfectly. I do take 2 points away for the cost however; at $200 CDN dollars a bottle for 1.7 fl.oz./50 ml you better be DARN sure this thing works!! Would I pay that when I run out? Depends on my budget, but unless they come up with something cheaper and just as effective, I’m afraid my bank account will slowly deplete.