Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to Avoid Horror Haircuts

I know that getting a hair cut can sometimes be a very stressful experience. I know this for a fact. I've had my fair share of bad haircuts in the past and would really love to never repeat that ever again. I found out that there are quite a few ways to avoid having a haircutting horror happen to you in the chair, and most of them stem from doing a bit of research (I know you're probably rolling your eyes at that statement but i few clicks on the internet can greatly influence your choice of salon) and making yourself clear. A lot of horror cuts are created not only by the stylist, but by you. Here are some tips and tricks I've learned over the years to guarantee you complete satisfaction from every haircut.

First off, go to a professional. Please. Your friend may be "really good at cutting hair" and has been "cutting hair her whole life" but when it comes down to it, do you really trust your friend with your locks? Also think of it this way, let's just say your friend does screw up your hair do you really want to lose a friendship or get in an argument over it? Better to leave it to the pros who know what they're doing and are trained!

Do some research on a salon before hopping into the chair. With the world wide web disposable anywhere at your fingers there is really no reason not to do a little bit of research. A few clicks of the mouse can show you a lot about a salon and whether they can cater to your personal style and needs. Before I found my dream salon I researched all over my city, I tried out a few, and then I found one that fit me like hair in curlers! It takes a little bit of effort and sometimes trail in error, but it's so worth it when you find the salon for you. For research I suggest sites like They give you a list of their salons around your country. This easy to navigate and great site is one that will help you out a lot on your search to find a good hair salon. Rush Salons also have a team of well trained professional and cuts for any budget with their non-stop deals.

Be firm with your hairdresser. Bring in a picture of the cut you want, although your hair may not be completely compatible with the style you brought in you and your hairdresser should work together to find a compromise. Then there's the argument over the inch. You have one idea in your head what "an inch off the bottom" is and it may be completely different then your stylists. Show him or her what you want. Also if you see them making a mistake, like going to short, getting to carried away then say something! Don't just sit there as your head gets turned into an artistic freakshow version of what you wanted.

These three things can make or break your next trip to the salon. So please remember: Trust a professional, do you salon research and tell your stylist what you want and you should emerge the prettiest you can be!

(All photos provided by

Via: How to Avoid Horror Haircuts

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