Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bye Bye Thin Hair!

We've gotten a few requests for this article now, and I think it's a good thing. While everyone talks about volume and how to get bigger and better hair, no one really addresses the problem of how to make hair thicker naturally. People always resort to curling it, or adding mass amounts of hairspray... that will cause volume, yes. But it won't cause thicker hair. I'm going to give you a list of easy things to do to make your hair naturally thicker. Just be patient, results won't start showing immediately but they will start showing sooner than later.

They say beauty comes from within. So lets start by making your inside beautiful and the results will show ten fold in your hair. The first thing you need to do to have beautiful, thick, luscious hair is by having a good diet and getting all the nutrients you need. Avoid drastic diet plans at all cost. The best thing you can do is keeping a healthy intake of proteins and vitamins and staying active. This will work wonders for you hair.

Already fit and active but still have thin hair? Ok the next thing is to take care of it properly. Avoid washing every day. This strips the hair of its natural oils which help replenish the tresses on top of your head. Washing your hair everyday dries out your hair and damages the scalp increasing hair loss and damaging your hair beyond belief.

Stay away from heat. If you must blow dry your hair then DO NOT put the hairdryer close to your scalp. Keep it a safe distance away from scalp. Heat when applied directly on the scalp can cause irreparable damage. And no one wants that.

Stay away from excessive use of caps and tight hats. I know, they're cute and they go great with your outfit but leave the hat at home. Hats, especially caps, damage your hair beyond belief. You're slowly suffocating your hair follicles when you wear a hat, which weakens the strands and then next thing you know you've got damaged hair! Leave the cap at home is all I'm saying.

Use certain products to increase the appearance of thick hair. NEVER put hairspray or any other product for that matter directly on your scalp. Always spray from a safe distant and dust your hair with the products. Putting anything directly on your scalp will clog the follicles and decrease the thickness of your hair.

Hope this helps you get the thick hair you deserve! If you have any other tips and tricks to get thicker hair share them below!

Via: Bye Bye Thin Hair!

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