Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Miley Cyrus Cuts Her Hair, Becomes a Trending Topic on Twitter (Forum Buzz)

Miley Cyrus haircutMiley Cyrus posted pictures of her new super blonde, super short, super punky hair on Twitter last night and she’s been a trending topic ever since. Hairdresser Chris McMillan is responsible for the transformation (it’s rumored that she donated her formerly long locks) and everyone seems to have an opinion about it. Miley herself tweeted:

Forum members were supportive of the unexpected new style. “Wow, definitely didn't see that coming,” wrote ScarlettLover. “I love short hair so I'm biased. Have to get used to seeing it on her though. It has to be styled right or it goes train-wreck real easy. Kudos to her for having the guts!”

Caitlinand commented, “It's a big change but I love it.”

Fortuna agreed adding, “Wow she looks like a totally different person!”

This style is pretty gutsy and Miley’s clearly thrilled with the result. Good for her for trying something different. You only live once, and it's kind of Kate Lanphear-esque, right?

Miley Cyrus haircutMiley Cyrus haircut

Images: twitter.com/mileycyrus

Via: Miley Cyrus Cuts Her Hair, Becomes a Trending Topic on Twitter (Forum Buzz)

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