Friday, August 10, 2012

K-Stew Going to Start Living Under a Rock

Kristen Stewart is reportedly "too ashamed to show her face in public," so she's dropping out of the movie Cali and refusing to attend the On the Road premieres. I don't know if you've heard, but I'm a K-Stew eggspert, so I get, better than anyone, where she's coming from: sometimes, when you cheat on your boyfriend with the gross director of your latest film project and then release a public statement admitting to the infidelity and proclaiming your undying love for the cuckold, and the Internet caves in from all the nosy outsiders speculating about the future of your relationship, you just have to take a step back and get a little "me time." It happens to the best of us, except like, on Facebook and practically no one cares. (Just kidding: you have to be really new to the Internet or young if you're still broadcasting your fallings in-and-out of love via your Facebook relationship status.)

Image via WENN

[via INeedMyFix]



Via: K-Stew Going to Start Living Under a Rock

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