Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Elise Crombez Dons Theyskens Theory for the Fall 2012 Campaign (Forum Buzz)

We don’t see much of Elise Crombez these days, but it’s always a pleasure when we do. Lucky for us, she’s the star of Theyskens’ Theory’s Fall 2012 ad campaign, which was photographed in a high contrast luminous style by Julien Claessens.

Theyskens' Theory Fall 2012 - Elise Crombez by Julien Claessens

“My favorite Belgian model for/by my favorite Belgian designer, I approve,” Psylocke shared. “I wish she was more recognizable here, though. Love the dark mood and how the clothes are presented quite well.”

Theyskens' Theory Fall 2012 - Elise Crombez by Julien Claessens

“Oh wow,” MulletProof was impressed. “Elise is truly one of a kind, and this is even better than last season's Theory campaign,” she commented.

LagerfeldBoy posted, “This is phenomenal. I love how the lighting hits her face. Highlights those gorgeous features. There's something just cool about it that I can't really pinpoint.”

Theyskens' Theory Fall 2012 - Elise Crombez by Julien Claessens

Since LagerfeldBoy can’t pinpoint the cool factor I’ll go ahead and do it. Olivier Theyskens designed the clothes, so those are cool in and of themselves, and then once you throw the sprawling, nonchalant, and fantastically cool Elise into the mix, the cool levels go off the charts. That’s all there is to it.


Via: Elise Crombez Dons Theyskens Theory for the Fall 2012 Campaign (Forum Buzz)

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