Friday, April 11, 2014


Fashion Week is continuing to make its way around the globe, and at its latest stop, Australia, we're seeing some seriously inventive hairstyle ideas pop up. Check out this coolness.

At the New Generation show, soft waves were topped with sculptural headbands for a bohemian look reminiscent of Cleopatra, everyone's favorite beauty muse lately. Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian would be allll over these headbands. Right?

Models at the Ixiah show wore wide fishtail French braids anchored by long clips and artistic 3D pony holders. Note the tucked-under ends, too. I can see copying this in a less dramatic way by putting a pretty clip at the nape of the neck while wearing a French braid.

Half-up fauxhawks were the scene at the Hayley Elsaesser show. Um, yes. I need an excuse to try this sometime before I die.

And hello, have you ever seen vintage pincurls look as giant and luscious as they did at the Zhivago show?

Meanwhile, I can't NOT mention these guys in beanie-like powdered "wigs" at the Song For the Mute show (that's musician Lupe Fiasco in front). George Washington meets 2014.

Well done, Australia.

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