When you take two things that have been done to death and combine them into one editorial, it has all the makings of a disaster, but luckily Du Jour manages to avoid this trap entirely. Taking bank-making androgyne Andrej Pejic and subjecting him to yet another gender metamorphosis, this time as none other than fashion editorial favourite Andy Warhol, they’ve turned the tired into something truly awesome.
Pejic not only makes an incredibly convincing Andy, but also proves his gender morphing chops as Warholian superstars Edie and Nico. He has the former’s childish gaze pretty much perfected, and his smouldering take on Blue Steel is uncannily similar to the stony stage face of the late Velvet Underground singer. He even goes for the ultimate male-female mash-up as transsexual superstar Candy Darling, showing off heavy purple eyelids and thinly-pencilled brows for his transformation to a man dressed as a man dressed as a woman. Sufficiently confused yet? We assume that’s part of the point.
The editorial was shot by Tony Kim and inspired by the recent NARS x Andy Warhol makeup collection. If you haven’t bought anything from that collection to date, now is probably the time.
Images: Du Jour
Via: Andrej Pejic's Latest Gender Switch is One of His Most Confusing and Convincing Yet