Meet Krystal X Kaos. This energetic and adventurous hairstylist is one that will make your jaw drop and your eyes pop. Her use of extreme styles, bright colours and need to push the boundaries is what many hairstylist lack. Where others fall short, though Kaos picks up the slack and takes her hairstyles to the next level. From the red carpet to beautiful photo-shoots, to steam-punk shows this is one chick who is taking the hairstyling world by storm, and she shows no signs of slowing down.
Luckily enough we managed to catch up with this busy lady for an interview! Check out her work for some inspiration and maybe you'll come out of your next haircut looking like a brand new and bolder you!
1. Where do you work?
I work at Terra Bella salon two days a week in down town Fullerton but I mostly work free lance jobs doing photo-shoots, red carpet events and set work. I also work in long beach teaching a styling class two days a week at a makeup school called Next Level Artist. I love working as you can tell
2. You have a very unique style of hair styling, how did you come to find your niche in the styling world?
I've always been drawn to unique styling and bold colors even in beauty school. I've been fortunate to have found Michelle X Star four years ago, an amazing photographer with bold purple hair that had faith in me the first day she met me. Then the amazing photo-shoots began and I was free to be creative and do whatever I desired. Then this world of styling and creating just got more and more interesting and I was good at it and then from there my niche was born into the world.
3. How would you describe your style/hair styling?
I can describe my styling of hair as a modern edge of avant garde Japanese street style pop punk. I love to do all forms of hair styling and just give it that extra Kaos twist.
4. What do you like to do on your free time?
What I like to do on my free time is find work (ha ha ha) I'm a real hard worker and what ever I can do to get myself more amazing work and exposure I'll do it. from going to a fashion show or gong to an art show and networking with the artist, or gong to one of my friends rock shows and talking to all the bands mates to see who need there hair done. I kind of incorporate my fun with work for sure.
5.How many years have you been a stylist?
I've been a stylist now for geez 10 years....Oh my how the time flies when your having fun!
16. What has been your favourite era in hair styling?
I am very fond of the Edwardian era and 50's hair styling. Today I use these hairstyles in my photo shoots and fashion shows but I modernize them a bit. I did a steam punk show recently and I was able to create a lovely wig piece that incorporated the Edwardian era type hairstyle. It was a very powerful show and it gave me lots of inspiration for other projects.
17. Do you have any tips to prevent/overcome bad hair days?
Tips on over coming bad hair days always carry dry shampoo if your hair starts to get too greasy or a headband so you can just sweep your hair back and out of your face. also, you can always put your hair back in a pony tail or if your hair is too short your can always twist back your hair with bobby pins or a nice barrette. Try to avoid using too many hair products because you may tend to want to add too much and make your bad hair day worse. Try re-washing your hair with just shampoo and then mist your hair with little shine spray on your ends comb through with a large comb from ends to roots, let air dry. If your hair is too frizzy u can always use a little bit of wax or a dab of curling cream to tame the fly aways. If your hair is really unmanageable its probably time for a haircut.
18. Last but not least: Where can people find you?
You can find my work everywhere just Google my name and I'm there. But I do have a website
Twitter: krystalxkaos, modelmayhem
6. Why did you choose this profession?
Why I chose this profession was kind of out of desperation...I was lost in college and I really wasn't gong any where with it and my parents were kind of fed up with me fooling around..mind you I am adopted, and so my biological mother had been a stylist for many years. I grew up in a salon and figured it was in my blood. So I told my adopted parents that maybe I'd try to go to beauty school to find out if it was something that I could be good at. So I tried it out and wouldn't you know it, I was actually good at it! Doing hair just felt so natural. I've always been a creative person. I loved singing, art and theater but I knew that hairstyling would actually be a faster way to earn money and I could incorporate my love of art into my hair kreations and so my business of hairdressing began.
7. Where do you draw inspiration for your work?
I draw inspiration from high fashion magazines, other talented artist, singers, photographers, designers, from a painting, from nature and cultures like the Japanese. Anything and everything really. I have so much to learn and so much inspiration surrounding me, I can't help it but draw from the world around me. I love it, it's exciting to see where I take it or where it takes me in my career.
8. What is your favourite part of being a stylist?
I love this question, my favorite part of being a hairstylist would really have to be the relationships that I build with my clients. My clients mean so much to me and I seriously wouldn't know what I would do with out their love, support and guidance. I've learned so much from each one of them and I keep learning. And also the feeling that I get when I finish up their new hairstyle and I can see that there confidence level has just sky rocketed and they feel so beautiful on the outside that they can't stop looking in the mirror. I love making people feel good about themselves and I wouldn't trade those moments for the world.
9. What is a product you're addicted to at the moment?
I'm addicted to many products, but my two favorite right now would have to be shine spray by S Factor because its a heat protectant and a shine in one and it smells so very tasty and leaves your hair soft and silky. Also Dust It by Osis, it's a light powder wax that you sprinkle on your head for all your short textured looks or if you just want to create volume with out teasing it's an amazing little bottle. Ask all my guy clients, they love it.
10. If you could style any one's hair in the world, who would it be?
If I could style anyone in the world it would have to be Gwen Stefani. I've been a fan of hers for many, many years and I think her style is classic edgy and very chic. she has come along way from her ska days and I've dreamed about doing her hair for a photo-shoot my whole styling life. Hey, I've had the pleasure of doing Fab Fabio's hair who know what might happen!? If you will it long enough it may come true.
11. What is the most difficult part about your profession?
The most difficult part of my profession is pleasing people. Not everyone is going to love my work and not everyone understands the demographics of hairstyling. People are all different and have different needs so will I not necessarily please everyone, that is a very hard thing for me to cope with because I am a people pleaser. I sometimes feel like a failure if I can't do something right especially because I take pride in my abilities. I'm not perfect and I will always be learning and growing.
12. What hairstyle is "in" this season? Why?
The top hairstyle right now is the "Kim Kardashian" wave. The reason it's so in right now is because she is so amazingly beautiful and her show is one of the top rated reality shows this year. Her look is mixed with old Hollywood and modern glam. The look is classic, sexy and her hair is always so shiny and full.
13. Do you have any advice for men and women who colour their hair?
Yes, men and women who color there hair should always use a shampoo and conditioner that is for colored hair. It will keep the hair from faded to much and has the right amount of moisture for your freshly colored tresses. Most shampoos now are made without sulphates which can strip the hair color out sooner and leave hair dry and faded. So non sulphate shampoos and conditioners made for color hair is the best way to result in keeping your hair color lasting up till your next color service. I recommend Pureology Color Safe Shampoo and Conditioner, it's pricey but worth it, or if your on a budget than you can always go for L'Oreal Ever Pure non-sulphate color shampoo and conditioner it has a nice rosemary fragrance and UV filters.
14. What is the biggest problem you see with hair today?
To be honest I think the biggest thing with hair today is that there are not enough risk takers. People are afraid to take that leap into what can make there appearance stand out so much more either it's from a bold haircut or vibrant color hair needs to be modernized. Also, there are too many over processed bleached blonde hair colors out there. If your obsessed with blonde hair that's fine just keep doing routine protein treatments and give back that hair some life.Right now my favorite brand of leave in treatment is Its a 10 with keratin additive, it comes in a little blue bottle with a pink top. Ask your local beauty supply if they carry it.
15. What is the best thing you can do to keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful?
The best knowledge that I can give you to keeping your hair looking healthy and beautiful is trimming your hair every four to six weeks and using the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. Don't wash it everyday! Lay off the flat irons and curling irons once in a while giving your hair a break from all the heat or always use a heat protectant before using your hot tools and remember you are what you eat so a healthy diet good carbs, protein and vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy hair and nails.
Via: Spotlight Stylist- Krystal X Kaos