Friday, September 28, 2012

LOfficiel Italia Debuts With a David Downton Illustration on the Cover (Forum Buzz)

L'Officiel Italia - David Downton illustration

L’Officiel has come out with an Italian version, and for the first issue, the magazine took an unconventional route and tapped fashion illustrator David Downton to create the cover image. Forum members immediately recognized the illustration as a bit of an homage to the December 1991 Steven Meisel-photographed Vogue Italia cover featuring model Shana Zadrick in a dress by Gianni Versace.

Vogue Italia December 1991 - Shana Zadrick by Steven Meisel“That's a bold move to put an illustration on your debut,” mikel commented. “It looks a lot like an old Vogue Italia cover by Meisel.”

“It does, and it is, love it,” Miss Dalloway agreed. “Downton is so talented.”

Iluvjeisa posted, “I think it's inspired and an original, fearless take...not to mention that the illustration captures the best things about the vintage Shana Vogue Italia cover (the pose) and does not contain the vulgar aspects (cleavage, necklace)...promising!”

In addition to the unconventional cover, the issue features model Bianca Balti in the editorial Queen of Cats photographed by Marco Falcetta, and an article on actress Ariane Labed with accompanying images of her in a Dior ensemble. 

When a magazine brands its first issue with a fashion illustration, it gets a lot harder to predict what they’ll come out with next. Whether you like this cover or not, it’s tough not to be curious about what the follow up will be.

Images: L’Official Italia and

Via: LOfficiel Italia Debuts With a David Downton Illustration on the Cover (Forum Buzz)

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