Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Justin Bieber's 'Overhaul' Appearance

It's not often that we talk about men's clothing and it's even less often that we talk about celebrity men's threads, but fellow Canucks, there is a dangerous fashion felon in our midst and he goes by the name of Justin Bieber.

Over the weekend, Justin Bieber had the honour of meeting the Prime Minister Stephen Harper and received the Diamond Jubilee Medal, which is awarded for "significant contributions and achievements by Canadians." For the special occasion, the Biebs wore what? A suit? A smart blazer/jean combo? His ridiculous MC Hammer pants? No. Justin Bieber went one better, taking fashion cues from Super Mario and wearing a striped pair of blue overalls — with one side deliberately unbuttoned — over a white T-shirt and a backwards baseball cap.

Though his ensemble became the target of bloggers' wrath — Gawker called him a "White Trash Prince" — Justin seemed unfazed by his outfit choice, tweeting a provoking, "I hope you hate my style." And, "Overhauls. LOL." Yes, JB, overhauls are pretty LOL, but why select them for a meeting with the prezzy?

Yesterday, Bieber responded to his critics, particularly Hayley Peterson of the Daily Mail, writing via Instagram:

"The pic of me and the Prime Minister was taken in a room in the arena where I was performing at that day. I walked straight from my meet and greet to him, if you 'Hayley' expect me to have a change of clothes let a loan [sic] a suit at that specific time that’s crazy. It wasn’t like it was like I was going into his environment we were at a hockey arena. Wow am I ever white trash hayley peterson lol."

I'm assuming he was referring to his Grey Cup rehearsal, since he performed at yesterday's half-time game to, may I add, a chorus of boos and heckling from the rowdy football fans. His comeuppance perhaps? What do you think of his "overhaul" appearance (geddit?!)? Do you think his excuse is reasonable or should he have been dragged away from the PM by the scruff of his neck? Some may say his outfit is fashion-forward, but to them I say he should have finished off the look with a slingshot dangling from his back pocket.

Images via Justin Bieber Twitter

Via: Justin Bieber's 'Overhaul' Appearance

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